We are very happy and proud to announce the world premiere of „Le Fort des Fous“ by Narimane Mari at Locarno Film Festival in International Competition „Cineasti del Presente„!
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C& about Le Fort des Fous at documenta 14
C& // Critique documenta 14 Another vital work in this edition is Le Fort des fous by Narimane Mari. By visualizing ellipses and metaphors, the film reflects on the displacement and re-appropriation of the telling of history and re-activates memories as resistance strategies… Le fort des fous retraces the family tree of the capitalist system of exploitation and oppression and locates its sources in the history of imperial, Eurocentric colonialism. The film reminds us that things have not changed so drastically, that these patterns are still present in new economic and political relationships. The systems of cultural domination remain a form of neocolonialism. In the words of the militant, “Civilization, a lot of the time, means death.” The challenge is to construct a body politic amidst our irreconcilable post-colonial differences and also to view history through the lens of its reception and its re-appropriation by way of injured or forgotten memories.
Le Fort des Fous by Narimane Mari at Documenta in Kassel
Le Fort des Fous (2017, 140 min.) by Narimane Mari will now be shown at Documenta in Kassel! At Ballhaus, every day at 11 am and 2 pm.
Slant Magazine about „From a Year of Non-Events“
„…the wonderful tactility of these snippets of life is further heightened by the grain of the film stock used to shoot them, which moves supplely between 8 and 16mm images, flecked with stretches of black leader. The intuitive, deeply sensual editing is anyway a marvel throughout, with many of the soundless passages showing the surrounding countryside approaching true reverie…“
—> review of Visions du Réel festival by James Latimer in Slant Magazine!
Dan Sullivan about „From a Year…“
From a Year of Non-Events has a title that evokes the most popular description of Seinfeld and manifests a rare sensibility, in which exacting and tender focus, and exquisite rhythm cohere to yield a slight but rich portrait of Willi, a near-90-year-old living alone on a farm in a blissful state of dilapidation in North Germany. Frölke and Renninger measuredly present fragmentary glimpses of Willi’s everyday life through a sophisticatedly interwoven tapestry of Super-8 and 16mm images… The eminently pleasant From a Year of Non-Events acquaints us with a kinder, gentler understanding of nothingness, which just might be part of the antidote to today’s more widespread and decidedly less compassionate attitudes about being in the world…. READ MORE
Asian Premiere @ Hong Kong International Film Festival
„From a Year of Non-Events“ will have its Asian premiere at Hong Kong International Film Festival !
Sunday, 23rd, at 10pm at the Metroplex and Tuesday, 25th, at 7:30 pm at The Sky.
„From a Year…“ @ Art of the Real
The North-American premiere of „From a Year of Non-Events“ will take place at Art of the Real at Lincoln Center in New York.
Saturday, April 29th, 6pm, Francesca Beale Theatre
Documenta/Athens – preview of „Le Fort des Fous“
Narimane Mari’s „Le Fort des Fous“ will be presented in a preview screening at Documenta in Athens.
A poetic voyage in three acts, moving between past, present, and imagination, putting French colonialism and the grave consequences of a collective hubris in focus.
On April 8th, at 3-5:45 pm and on Apr 9th at 12–2:45 pm at EMST—National Museum of Contemporary Art, Kallirrois and Amvrosiou Frantzi, Athens
Positif about „From a Year of Non-Events“
Fabien Baumann om the french film magazine Positif about this year’s Berlinale:
Mais l’on doit aux sélectionneurs une
grande découverte tournée sur les bords
féconds de l’expérimentation documentaire,
Aus einem Jahr der Nichtereignisse
(From a Year of Non-Events) d’Ann Carol
Renninger et René Frölke…
International Premiere at Visions du Réel !
We are very happy to announce the international premiere of „From a Year of Non-Events“ at Visions du Réel in International competition / Regard Neuf on 23/04/2017.